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SHM Malaysia now an Approved Service Provider of Oriental Davits!

SHM Malaysia now an approved service provider of Oriental Davits!

SHM Group is a seasoned provider of repair, refurbishment, installation and maintenance services of rescue boats and Davit systems since over 25 years. All our services are carried out in accordance with rules prescribed by IMO.

We are happy to share that SHM Malaysia Pte Limited is now an approved service provider of the well known brand Oriental Davits. Oriental Inspection and Service Co. Ltd. provide and repair parts of lifeboat davits, cranes and deck machinery equipment for clients using Oriental products.

Our company SHM Shipcare Mumbai also holds the license to service Oriental Davits. Apart from this, SHM group has partnered with 27 OEM providers to bring to you, world class Davit systems and their smooth operability.

Our engineers have completed professional training with Oriental Inspection & Service Co. Ltd and now hold proficiency to carry out annual and 5-yearly services as per SOLAS and MSC Circulars of IMO.

Apart from servicing, we will also be supplying new equipment and spares for all models of Oriental Davits used with lifeboats and rescue boats, both for marine and offshore activities.

For any service request for Oriental Davits at SHM Malaysia, reach us at or